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Supporters Club Charity Golf Day

This year's Summer Golf Day at Exeter Golf & Country Club will be held on Thursday 26th September.

This popular event, which includes coffee and bacon roll on arrival, 18 holes of golf and a 2 course meal to end the day has already attracted a large number of applicants .

However, there are always a few teams looking for a player or two to make up a foursome. If so a call to Alexis on 07889 728312 could get you sorted.

Likewise, if you have would like to enter a team but have not yet booked, then act now to avoid disappointment.

Entering a team is priced at £65pp ( £260 per team.)

Discount for Members of Exeter Golf Club £45pp

Email your completed form CLICK HERE

There are also a couple of holes not yet sponsored. Sponsoring a hole will get a professionally produced full colour sign with your company name and logo on it posted at the hole's tee off spot. In addition the sign is yours to keep after the event.

All this for only £50.

There will be prizes to be handed out after the meal along with a prize draw and auction.

If anyone wants to donate a prize or auction item or sponsor a hole then please contact Alexis by phone on 07889728312 or by email - CLICK HERE

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